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Anhydrite Specimen

Anhydrite Specimen

Regular price $59.57
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Physical: Anhydrite can help with disorders of the throat, especially those caused by difficulty in expressing yourself by reducing swelling. It is also believed that it can be used in combination with a good diet and medication to balance thyroid hormones. It is also believed that anhydrite can help cool the pain of sunburn when the stone is placed on the affected area.

Emotional: Anhydrite is also useful for people who have difficulty in coming to terms with incarnation and who long for the post-death state. It assists people in healing by allowing them to let go of the past and teaching them to accept what has happened. 

Some believe that it can stabilize emotions by dispelling anger and restoring peace. Anhydrite facilitates a re-birthing process that transmutes pain into healing and understanding. It promotes empathy and compassion. 


Metaphysical: Anhydrite is a stone that is believed to promote acceptance of the physical body. It can allow conscious contact with the spiritual realm. It is also believed to enhance communication with the dead and allow out-of-body experiences to take place while still maintaining contact with reality. 

Zodiac Associations: Aquarius

Chakra Associations: Throat

Element Associations: Air

Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for western medical care. Energy Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it.

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