Howlite Cloud
Howlite Cloud
Physical: Howlite is beneficial for muscles, bones, teeth, and nails. This stone is a reminder to drink plenty of water for optimal health.
Emotional: Howlite is helpful for cooling heated emotions and regaining emotional balance. The calming white energy of this stone relieves intense pressure during potentially explosive situations.
Metaphysical: Helps you to clear your mind of chatter. Draw on the energy of this stone to stay focused. Howlite is a reminder to connect with the moon, its cycles, and the spiritual benefits derived from the moon's vibration.
Zodiac Associations: Cancer
Chakra Associations: Crown
Element Associations: Water
Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for western medical care. Energy Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it.